June 21: Capricorn Full Moon

Capricorn Full Moon on June 21st

The Sun enters Cancer at 4:51PM ET on June 20, on the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and the wheel of the year turns again. The longest day and shortest night is a time of peak power, when the Sun ascends to its highest height as it enters into the Moon’s cardinal water sign. There is a dynamic activation when solar fire meets lunar water that sparks an unstoppable force. 

Sun enters Cancer on June 20, 2024

Blue moons are rare, happening approximately every 33 months, and the signs where we have two full moons in a year ask for our special attention and consideration. This year Cancer season begins and ends with a Capricorn Full Moon, lighting up the polarity between personal ambition and family obligation. 

Cancer is a cardinal water sign, solicitous, ambitious, but also caring. It wants to provide a safe roof, decent meal, and medical care for all children on Gaia’s green earth. During Cancer season, we’re encouraged to strive for the highest and best of what's possible with the resources we have. When we consider the bounty that the earth produces, no child should ever go without. 

The pagan festival of Litha celebrates this moment of high magic. It’s said that all things are possible on the longest day when the solar fire drenches the land in life giving light, scorching us all with its heat and radiance. At Litha we’re encouraged to set intentions and engage in ritual to call in our highest and best during the most fertile season. 

Get creative at Litha because it's time to manifest the hopes and dreams you’ve been nurturing since the Winter Solstice on December 21. That was an extra powerful initiation point due to the Mercury cazimi at 00°40 Capricorn on December 22. That sacred degree is getting worked again because we have two Capricorn Full Moons at the start, June 21, and conclusion of Cancer season on July 21.

Capricorn Full Moon on June 21, 2024

The Summer Solstice is illuminated by the first Full Moon at 01°07 Capricorn at 9:08PM ET on June 21, asking us to consider the conditions we have to work within. Cancer provides the container for life to grow and from those stable roots, Capricorn reaches towards the sky. Saturn is ruling this lunation from Pisces, adding emotional security to our list of necessities.

Cancer wishes to form emotional bonds and express deep feelings, but Capricorn doesn’t always make time for tenderness. The good news is that intimacy is paramount while Saturn transits Pisces from March 2023-2026. We’re being encouraged, and sometimes required, to consider what is needed to feel connected and appreciated by your family, friends, and community. 

A secure attachment is one where there's trust and dependability. That doesn’t mean that people will never let us down, or should do for us what we’re capable of doing for ourselves, Cancer can confuse reliability with codependency, but there is a consistent and clear connection of love that does not go away. This love is unconditional in the sense that it's acknowledged even when things are difficult and strived for even when there’s disagreement. 

The Capricorn Full Moon wants you to strengthen the supports you have so that something even more superb can grow in your garden this Summer. Perhaps you need to build a grow box, invest in rich fertilizer, or figure out a watering schedule. Whatever it is, the elements are activated and at your disposal at this Solstice infused lunation, so use them wisely. 


July 5: Cancer New Moon


June 6: Gemini New Moon