June 6: Gemini New Moon

Gemini New Moon on June 6, 2024

The New Moon at 16°18 Gemini at 8:37AM ET on June 6, sparkles and shines with a brilliant light thanks to five planets dancing through the delightful sign of the twins. This area of life is going through a massive expansion thanks to the arrival of Jupiter in Gemini on May 25. Jupiter hasn’t transited Gemini since June 2012-2013, so prepare for some fresh air as great Jove moves mountains and makes miracles happen wherever it goes. 

Gemini New Moon on June 6, 2024

Gemini is a clever, quick witted, social air sign that asks questions and enjoys diving into research and lively debate. Jupiter represents truth and sends us on a quest for greater understanding in whichever area of our chart it's transiting. Our desire to communicate and connect will certainly be increased this year, but unfortunately, so will our doubt. Although Jupiter seeks to improve the conditions in our life, it always expands what is already present. Gemini can be overly identified with the mind, and cerebral as a way of avoiding emotions. Over the next year, Jupiter will reveal where it's hard for you to trust or what you don’t believe could actually work out. It will enter Cancer on June 9, 2025. 

This lunation is blessed by Mercury moving from its conjunction with Jupiter that peaked on June 4. Together, they elevate our thinking and magnify the power of our mind to find solutions and discover different avenues than were previously available. Jupiter offers perspective and sometimes the most helpful realization is simply that we are not “that”, whether it be our thoughts, fears, negative emotions, or past experiences. Our ego creates an identity from the past and uses it to project into the future, but the healing power of Jupiter in Gemini asks what is happening Now? This is all there is and when we cease toggling back and forth from good/bad, happy/sad, pleasure/pain; we arrive in the here and now. The truth of this very moment. That is where this New Moon invites you to act from. 

Three of Swords tarot card

In tarot, the 3 of Swords is commonly referred to as “the break up” card, and is often depicted by a heart being pierced three times and bleeding from the wounds. Yes, the card represents heartache and loss, but more significantly, it indicates that the stories we are telling ourselves about what happened and why it happened are causing us suffering. And we have all gone through a lot, especially Gemini over the last several years. 

The Gemini area of life got tore up from 2020-2023: 

  • Venus retrograde 2020: Venus transited Gemini from April-August 2020, traveling over 05-21° Gemini three times, and was retrograde from May 11-June 25,

  • Gemini eclipse cycle: Eclipses between Gemini and Sagittarius in the late Spring and Fall from June 2020-December 2021

  • Mercury retrograde in Air signs: Mercury was retrograde in Gemini in May-June during 2021 and 2022 

  • Mars retrograde 2022-2023: Mars transited Gemini from Aug 20, 2022-March 25, 2023, traveling over 08-25° Gemini three times, and was retrograde from Oct 20-Jan 12 

This could have felt like a relentless onslaught if you have planets or points in Gemini, but it was all paving the way for Jupiter to have lots of raw material to work with now. Consider how your thinking has changed, what you’ve let go of in this area of your life, and where your narratives still need to be updated to make room for the hope and optimism Jupiter wants to create. 

Venus cazimi Gemini on June 3, 2020

This lunation especially echoes the lessons of the Venus retrograde cycle in 2020, at the height of quarantine, when we were forced to consider who we cohabitated with and what they reflected back to us about ourselves. Venus went cazimi at 13°35 Gemini on June 3, 2020, and just recently made its superior conjunction to the Sun at 14°30 Gemini on June 4, 2024.

Venus cazimi on June 4, 2024

Gemini is The Lovers card in the tarot Major Arcana, which often depict two people staring deeply into each other's eyes.

The Lovers card tarot Major Arcana

Our relationships are mirrors in which other people show us things we would otherwise miss. But it can be difficult to consider someone else's point of view if the way they view us brings into question the way we see ourselves. Our friends and partners are also reflections of ourselves because they are the people we have attracted into our orbit and choose to surround ourselves with. Many of these same questions and dynamics are present at this lunation. 

The New Moon at 16° Gemini is conjunct Venus, seeding the insight into our intellectual growth over the next 6 months. Take the time to appreciate how much you’ve learned about yourself over the last four years, but also consider what you are hiding or holding back. Gemini can avoid feeling, preferring to play with possibility rather than commit to caring, but the square from Saturn in Pisces is adding depth of emotion. There is a relationship between the Pisces and Gemini area of life, something tricky is getting worked out this year. Take note of what feels like a sticking point at this lunation. It will come up again, especially when Mars transits Gemini in August. 

The week of June 6 is one of the best in the year for initiating conversations, submitting proposals, networking, and forming alliances. Put yourself out there in terms of what you think and trust that what you know is enough. Humility is not making yourself small, but rather being willing to own the gifts and talents that you’ve cultivated, acknowledging that there's always more to learn. 

Take this Lover lunation as an opportunity to tell people you care about them, how much they mean to you, and how you’d like to communicate to facilitate greater intimacy and understanding. Our thinking has the capacity to radically change over the next year if we allow ourselves to forget what we think we know, and let the universe show us what it wants us to see. 

I hope this Gemini energy helps you show up and out at Pride this month, and, most of all, have fun!


June 21: Capricorn Full Moon


May 23: Sagittarius Full Moon