May 23: Sagittarius Full Moon

Sagittarius Full Moon on May 23, 2024

The Sun sails into the social skies of Gemini at 8:59AM ET on May 20, and we enter into the final sign of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The air of Gemini is orientated towards interaction and the sharing of information. The twins enjoy learning new ideas and passing them along–whether through publishing news or the neighborhood grapevine. This Gemini season is epic thanks to the Sagittarius Full Moon on May 23, followed by Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on May 25, a big deal transit that will last an entire year. 

Sagittarius Full Moon on May 23, 2024

Gemini is the domain (home sign) of Mercury, the god of communication and eternal student, and Sagittarius is presided over by the teacher and mentor of the zodiac, Jupiter. Both of these planets are currently transiting Taurus, which is concerned with resources, money, labor, value, and worth. Taurus is Venus’ earth sign of sensual delights and we have been encouraged to seek out what brings us pleasure over the last month. Venus and Jupiter conjoin at 29°23 Taurus at 4:29AM ET on May 23, adding sweetness to the Sagittarius Full Moon. There is a focus on the practical application of knowledge while Mercury is in Taurus until June 3

Mercury enters Gemini on June 3, 2024

Taurus is a sign associated with luxury and material comforts. The cozy nest where we hunker down, make everything cute, and are reluctant to leave. But most importantly, it's the feel-good nature and divine inspiration that creates culture. Beauty is an inherent part of the material world and God is the ultimate artist. Our individual aesthetics are an expression of our unique creativity and our assets are a reflection of our personal values. 

The Full Moon at 02°55 Sagittarius at 9:53AM ET on May 23, encourages us to ask questions about how to use what we already have to get more of what we want. Mercury in Taurus inspires skilled craftsmanship because anything worth doing is best done well. And anything that can be made will be made better through putting care, effort, and personal style into it. 

The Hierophant card 5 tarot Major Arcana

In the tarot Major Arcana, Taurus is associated with The Hierophant V, who holds the keys to knowledge and presides over the education of the unindoctrinated. Gemini is connected to The Lovers, VI card, and the social and romantic encounters we have in the school setting. The Sagittarius Full Moon is the perfect time to immerse yourself in studying, especially an exploration of the philosophical and esoteric. (I’ll be at the NORWAC astrology conference in Seattle).

The Lovers tarot Major Arcana

You may be inspired to seek out a teacher who can guide you through a particular form of training or have a chance encounter with a mentor who offers the exact kind of apprenticeship you’ve been seeking. Whatever happens around the Sagittarius Full Moon should satisfy a curiosity in our mind and feed our soul the wisdom that it craves. 

Jupiter is presiding over this lunation from the final degree of Taurus in the last days of a transit that began on May 16, 2023. Since then, great Jove has greatly improved the Taurus area of life that has been subject to so much upheaval since Uranus entered in March 2019. The Sagittarius Full Moon is an opportunity to reflect on how far we’ve come since then. It connects these two very different energies as Jupiter moves into Gemini on 7:15PM ET May 25, where it will lead us down a line of inquiry that could easily get confused.

Take a moment at the Sagittarius Full Moon to reflect on what matters most to you in both the Taurus and Gemini places in your chart (book a reading if you’re not sure where these land for you). Taurus craves stability, consistency, and safety. Earth signs are realistic and want to ensure a prosperous future through prudent decisions today. Gemini is more innovative and open to experimentation. The twins will seek out the best possible method through trial and error. 

This is an excellent moment to record your Taurus priorities and reflect on how the Gemini craftiness could help you achieve your goals faster and with less effort thanks to the support that Jupiter is going to lend. 

The Spring has been a doozy so far. A lot has been churned up since the Vernal Equinox on March 19. This Moon is granting us the opportunity to unify our relationship to resources and partnership before the Summer Solstice on June 20. Enjoy!


June 6: Gemini New Moon


May 7: Taurus New Moon